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Alex Parker
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Super slick looking and the price point is very enticing. Very affordable. What happens if pingping goes down? :)

A simple tool to monitor your website and SSL

Alex Parker
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Drew killin it Wilson, leave it to you to come up with the most elegant solution. I am curious how this works on top of Stripe Billing. Does it pull in the plans that exist in the stripe account? or are plans defined and created on the plasso end?
Plasso Flexkit
Powerful payments & e-commerce API without writing code.

Alex Parker
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Looks really nice. Uncanny logo resemblance to square space, but other than that looks rad.
Symbol Design System
Advanced web-design system based on Sketch nested symbols.

Alex Parker
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Soooo if i send someone an inky encrypted email, i assume they are unable to view it until they install inky for their email address. Is that correct?

Inky 3
Send encrypted emails using your current email provider

Alex Parker
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Why is this free??? This is rad. But i will definitely want a MacOS version to go with it to sync with. Charge money so you can afford to build a Mac App too 👏👍👍👍👍

Better Notes
Simple notes app that ties notes together with #hashtags

Alex Parker
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I would really like to know how it detects the Protein Fat and Carbs of the beverage you put in. If it's not doing some sort of db lookup for the product, then this kind of auto detection of P/F/C would be revolutionary for the food industry and have soo many different applications besides drinks.

A cup that knows what you're drinking

Alex Parker
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@flarup is always doing amazing things

Be My Eyes
Lend your eyes to the blind

Alex Parker
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I think there are a somewhat limited number of ways people will come up with to be happy

Happiness Hunt
Product Hunt for Happiness

Alex Parker
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This looks suuuuuper useful. So awesome

Easily create design specs for Photoshop & Sketch

Alex Parker
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I know it's kind of odd, but I use Slack to remind me of stuff. Sends me both a push notification to my phone and an email using the "/remind me in 2 days to call joe"

Later Reminders
Super simple way to schedule reminders on your phone

Alex Parker
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Very cool idea. Not sure how likely I'll have batteries available to me. Although If i had this, I might start storing a large stash of batteries in my car. Or that's what I thought at first, then I remembered I can charge my phone in my car? I dont know, just getting my brain train of thought here. It seems as I personally would not have a solid need for this. But others might.

The smallest iPhone charger on-the-go (pre-launch)

Alex Parker
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Fully Native! App store hasnt updated yet, can't wait.

Asana 3.0 (iOS)
The brand new Asana app for iPhone

Alex Parker
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downloaded, installed, opened, crashed, deleted. Will try again in the near future.

Open source Markdown editor for OS X influenced by Mou.

Alex Parker
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I bought Tower a long time ago, loved it while I used it, but it started to feel slow the more repositories I added. Eventually switched to Source Tree. But I just downloaded the Tower 2 Trial, and think it looks promising!

Tower for Mac
The leading Git client amongst professionals