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  • Daniel Metcalfe

    Daniel Metcalfe

    💻 Software Creator from the UK.
    14 points
    All activity
    Daniel Metcalfe
    Trying to find a day when friends are free to meet can be a painful process, especially over text. We save you time by collecting everyone's availability and presenting you with the best dates with a minimum of fuss.
    Schedule Your Social
    Schedule Your Social
    The fastest way to find out when your friends are free
    Daniel Metcalfe
    Trying to find a day when friends are free to meet can be a painful process, especially over text. We save you time by collecting everyone's availability and presenting you with the best dates with a minimum of fuss.
    Schedule Your Social
    Schedule Your Social
    The fastest way to find out when your friends are free
    Daniel Metcalfe
    Busy? Thirsty? Mates impossible to organise? Then this is the tool for you. Find a day that works for everyone in minutes.
    Organise Your Pissup
    Organise Your Pissup
    The painless way to agree a date with your mates
    Daniel Metcalfe
    Rather than having one Chrome window with lots of tabs its better to have many Chrome windows with only a few tabs each. Each Chrome window can represent one task that you are working on and have only the tabs needed for that task. Seshy helps you with this!
    Fewer tabs, more focus
    Daniel Metcalfe
    With People Not Platforms you can create a profile that captures your online presence and start sharing it within minutes.
    Your profile is kind of like an internet contact card that can be shared and embedded anywhere on the web.
    People Not Platforms
    People Not Platforms
    Follow people, not platforms
    Daniel Metcalfe
    Guru is the working title for a project that will produce a smarter type of productivity app that understands you, teaches you, and motivates you. The motivation for the project is that current todo apps seem out of touch with user's needs.
    The productivity app that understands you.
    Daniel Metcalfe
    Daniel Metcalfe
    started a discussion

    Are you happy with your current todo app?

    If not then you may be interested to know that we're going to build a smarter todo app that understands you, but first we want to listen to people and find out what they really need from their todo app. If you have the time we'd really appreciate you answering 10 quick questions at the link below to help us understand your needs. Thanks! https://my.helio.app/t/01EEB1V45NRWHHJ57G72YHQVYB