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Alexander Hektor
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What song is this?! Neither Siri nor Shazam seem to know it..

Flinto for Mac
The prototyping tool designers have been waiting for

Alexander Hektor
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finally back in the appstore, yet it seems not to have AC3 support on iOS according to the comments in the AppStore, which would be a huge bummer. Would pay to hear the background story of Apple and or the Codec alliances vs. VLC. Hope they get to tell it at some point..
Old versions should exist with that support though for those who are on jailbroken iOS

VLC for Mobile
World’s most used media now for all major mobile platforms

Alexander Hektor
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Very cool. As suggested by @samuelbeek, please add a hierarchy to the lists. Either in the form of projects, different lists, sublists, subtasks..
Tags are nice, but if you have tags, you should also have views for them, and honestly, a hierarchy is the much better option for todo lists imho.
Also, your feedback form in the Android App didn't seem to work. Wrote feedback, clicked the...

Pomodoro meets GTD to-do app

Alexander Hektor
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For those of you wondering, it doesn't say so right away on the homepage or on github, but the binaries seem to be under the MIT license. They should have a license file or mention it on the about page. Great find @erictwillis

Modern front-end framework based on Material Design