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Sean Riordan
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That is awesome! Congrats! Make sure you have a corporate vision and then some strategic vision items to constantly upgrade your service and you will be super successful. Good luck and stay excited!
S Riordan/mpf234
Founder - My Place Forever Corp
Found a product idea on Twitter & made a MVP in 3 hours. I just reached $40 of sales with it!

Sean Riordan
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We outsource ours and presently there are 23 people assigned to our team.
What is your marketing team's size?
Indu Thangamuthu
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Sean Riordan
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We have a vision and mission statement which are actually used to guide in our decision making process. While these two elements are usually just administrative mumbo-jumbo and are only written to fill in a checkbox, we use ours. It allows decisions at all levels to be on the same page when making the decision. If your M&V are written with this in mind, they will actually mean something...
What decision making framework do you use for your company, work, and personal life?
Daniel Nguyen
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Sean Riordan
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If you are building a product for an expected profit (e.g. service or product which someone will need to purchase), then it would be beneficial to begin building your audience first. Your product is answering their problem (assumably), so their input would be vital to your product's design and subsequent success.
But I wouldn't wait until "enough feedback" has been provided before you begin. ...
Building audience first and product after? Or building product first and audience after?
Shreyas Prakash
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Sean Riordan
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Are you addressing/answering a pain point/problem?
Are people willing to pay for your solution?
Is there a "hole" in the market where your answer will fill the hole?
Is there competition? If so, can you make your product better and easier to use?
There's your starting points.^^^^^^
What is the best way to validate my SaaS idea?
Barveen Kumar
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Sean Riordan
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Awesome. Good luck!

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