The app can automatically download and apply wallpapers to your home screen. You can choose the categories for wallpapers, and the interval at which the wallpaper will be changed. The app can also add blur effect to the wallpapers which will make the text on the screen easily readable. It can also save the downloaded wallpapers to your gallery.

Quotes is a beautiful Android app that contains thousands of quotes spread across dozens of categories.
The unique feature about this app is the random status feature. The random button displays random statuses based on the page your are on. If you are in a particular category, it will show random status from that category only.

Schedule Auto Sync and Save Battery is an app that runs Android Sync on a schedule. You can choose the interval after which the syncing will be re-enabled, and the duration for which you want to enable the syncing. This saves battery by not keeping the syncing always enabled, and also keeps your data backed up regularly.

A simple note taking app for Android. The notes are saved in the notification tray to constantly remind you of task at hand.
Unique Features:
* See past notes.
* 8 colour schemes (mix of light and dark)
* Take action on multiple notes together.
* Add a home screen widget to save notes from the home screen.
* Notes stay after reboot.