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Something about the fonts used in different websites bothered my eyes a bit. I wish browsers could override those beautiful and often times ugly fonts and use something default I prefer. So I built this extension to keep a consistent font across websites I visit. I am using the font Quicksand, its beautiful, elegant and readable.

Beautify Web
Keeps the font consistent across web

Livevents helps engage people at meetups, conferences, meetings, town halls. Anyone with an event invite code will be able to join including RSVP and start engaging with Session's Livefeeds. Post session polls and feedback for your question and view results in real time. Now Interact with organizer, speakers and participant more seamlessly

Make your events more engaging

Muthu Krishnan
left a comment
Haha. Ruined my search history by ending it with Donald Trump!

Ruin My Search History
Ruin your Google search history with a single click