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Abhishek Sharma
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Hi Tham
Congratulations on the launch. I tried the free version and found it to be promising and very useful.
Wanted to know, if we build the course through everlearn. Do we have to attribute it to Everlearn or are you using internally a third party LLM which has to be attributed as well ?

EverLearns Studio
Turn anything into a course in 5 minutes

Abhishek Sharma
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@nima_aksoy I found it useful
Smart itinerary with the help of artificial intelligence

Abhishek Sharma
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Hi @nima I tried and found iplan useful
Smart itinerary with the help of artificial intelligence

Abhishek Sharma
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@saniru_nayanaja it sounds very interesting. However I am unable to try the free version. After installing the chrome extension. It gives a pop up "0 gens used out of 20"

Write your everyday emails hassle free using AI

Abhishek Sharma
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This is a good product
The most powerful screen recorder for Chrome