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Nick Papadopoulos
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Our culture is obsessed with winning at everything. Often the winning comes with a large cost including separation and even polarization. It translates from politics to sports to the corporate world. Everyday business conversation is consumed with the vocabulary of the locker room and battlefield. The obsession to win at all costs turns the conversation into dominating the opposition,...

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 90: “Win/Win”
How do you define winning?

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 90: “Win/Win”
How do you define winning?

Nick Papadopoulos
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In this episode, the Dudes bring you It's a Family Affair - How our closest relationships form our story. We don't get to choose our family. How our story is "written" is often beyond our control as children. The Dudes take a look at how pivotal events in our early years form the basis for how we see ourselves, and filter the world around us.
Through understanding where we came from, we can...

Episode 17 - It's A Family Affair
What can we learn about ourselves through our family

Episode 17 - It's A Family Affair
What can we learn about ourselves through our family

Nick Papadopoulos
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In this episode, the dudes decide to go rogue and broadcast via video stream only. Using livestream platforms and Meerkat, they are joined by audience members for a fun and loose show. Vulnerable shares about incompletion by the Dudes set the foundation for the show, but a surprise appearance by a loyal fan who is feeling stuck around business, turns into an impromptu live coaching...

Dudes of Disruption - Special Edition Episode 19.5: Completion Pt II & Conversation
Learn about being costs of when we are incomplete

Dudes of Disruption - Special Edition Episode 19.5: Completion Pt II & Conversation
Learn about being costs of when we are incomplete

Nick Papadopoulos
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Coach Nick & Dudes of Disruption along with guests Jake Fishbein & Kerry Cannava Turner explore the role that fear plays in creating division, chaos and separation in both our lives and in politics. Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” So, how can we overcome fear and begin to come together?
In this episode, the show takes on the topic of...

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 89: “Disrupting Fear”
Disrupt fear in order to live purposefully & get unleashed

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 89: “Disrupting Fear”
Disrupt fear in order to live purposefully & get unleashed

Nick Papadopoulos
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The dreaded V word. For some men it means showing a softer side, while for others it’s a non-negotiable. The Dudes will take a look at how men relate to vulnerability and what’s possible when we harness this part of ourselves as a strength.
The Dudes higher purpose is for everyone, and especially men, to ‘Awaken Humanityl.’ Through transformational concepts, personal sharing, and...

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 58: Men & Vulnerability
Learn How Your Power Lies In Your Vulnerability

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 58: Men & Vulnerability
Learn How Your Power Lies In Your Vulnerability

Nick Papadopoulos
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In this episode, Coach Nick and the Dudes begin serving up the Top 5 Rules of Disruption. As we travel along in our lives, these rules will help set the foundation for having a different outcome. The ongoing conversation continues with discussions and sharing about where disruption is necessary to break the automatics that are holding us back.
Dudes of Disruption Social Media:
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Dudes of Disruption - Episode 3: The Top 5 Rules of Disruption
The 5 disruption rules help to generate a different outcome

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 3: The Top 5 Rules of Disruption
The 5 disruption rules help to generate a different outcome

Nick Papadopoulos
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This week, hosts Nick & Gregory take a look at more of the automatics that show up in our lives. They'll dig deep into the things we do automatically that are based on our core beliefs or what's expected, and the stories we make up in order to justify our actions. Where in our lives do we simply operate out of fear of looking bad or being judged?
You'll continue to get to know the crew...

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 2: Disrupting the Automatics
Explore what we do automatically based on our core beliefs

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 2: Disrupting the Automatics
Explore what we do automatically based on our core beliefs

Nick Papadopoulos
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Dan Rather recently said, “These are not normal times. These are extraordinary times. And extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.” During this very unique time its critical to get on the court and be involved, engaged and informed in order to drive healthy dialogue to create a world where everyone wins and where everyone feels taken care of. World-class speaker and best-selling...

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 88: "Involved / Evolved"
World-class speaker & best-selling author, Nance Rosen live

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 88: "Involved / Evolved"
World-class speaker & best-selling author, Nance Rosen live

Nick Papadopoulos
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In this episode the Dudes are bringing the authenticity as they sit down with some of the guys from their NYC based men’s group. In an open forum, they discuss 'what men are really thinking' with some questions as submitted from the audience when asked the question “What have you always wanted to know about men?” It’s time for men to Disrupt our own automatics and those that society has...

Dudes of Disruption- 47: Dudes Unplugged
Men disrupt the automatics that society has imposed on them

Dudes of Disruption- 47: Dudes Unplugged
Men disrupt the automatics that society has imposed on them

Nick Papadopoulos
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Following up on the powerful conversation from the last show, this week the Dudes delve deeper into What Leadership is, adding two more concepts to the Rules of Disruptive Leadership. Joining the discussion this week are Jamie Naguiat & Nicole Giantonio, two modern Executives who will share how they apply the new rules of disruptive leadership to transform their organizations.

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 42: What is Leadership? Pt II
Two more concepts to the Rules of Disruptive Leadership

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 42: What is Leadership? Pt II
Two more concepts to the Rules of Disruptive Leadership