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Dataherald supercharges GPT with structured data, making it simple to generate content from data using a simple prompt-style interface. This technical preview offers limited functionality, where you can create text that is factual and includes a graph.

Dataherald AI
Use generative AI to supercharge data storytelling

Nick Molter
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Really excited about this launch! Finally an easy way for marketplace businesses, data providers, and many other companies to leverage their data for SEO

Thousands of Zillow-style SEO landing pages for your biz

Nick Molter
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dinggo is live!!! We bring together all of the content from Netflix, Hulu, and Prime Video, and make help you pick a movie the same way Tinder helps you pick a date!
Can't wait to see what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Makes finding a movie on Netflix like swiping thru Tinder

Brings together all of the content from Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime video, and makes picking a movie as easy as swiping thru Tinder.
Also allows group-swiping, where everyone can swipe individually and then make the final decision as a family/group.

Makes finding a movie on Netflix like swiping thru Tinder