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Nikhil V.
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Major, major congrats on the launch, Eric! It's been awesome watching you grow the incredible community of FoundersPress and FoundersBeta to the next level in the last few years, and I am honored to have been apart of the journey on occasion and be involved with the Tech Council. You've been an incredible leader in this space, and I know this new site is going to inspire a lot of incredible...

Publication dedicated to covering startup news and tech

Nikhil V.
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Been a big fan of Growth Channel and looking forward to giving this a read. A team and a resource to keep up with for sure!
Ultimate Community Marketing Guide
Learn how to build & successfully manage online communities

Nikhil V.
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Love this app and the team! Can't wait to see it expand to new cities.

Gumdrop Campus
Discover College You

PLYR is changing the way the collegiate sports recruiting process works. We aim to level the playing field and make exposure to college sports recruiters accessible to all athletes. For recruiters, we make it easy to find the best talent connect with them.

Collegiate sports recruiting made simple.

Nikhil V.
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Met @jakeols recently and after hearing the history and motivation behind the product, I have to say that I'm really eager to see how this app will continue to build up! As mentioned here in the comments a bit, online dating is still broken in some ways, and I think Peachy is taking the right steps in potentially solving some of the major paint points that other apps have.
Excited for the...

Dating done the right way

Nikhil V.
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Amazing update! Just started trying Postmates recently and eager to use this new interface 🙌

Postmates 4.0
New app design with on-demand groceries

Nikhil V.
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Well done, Glen!
Pros: Great UI elements, epic mockups, really focused product.
Cons: None

Essential Design System
Flexible and customizable Sketch kit for your next project

Nikhil V.
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Awesome to see Joshua back at it again with DoNotPay 2.0! I remember first seeing the project last year and having it blow me away as something so simple, yet so useful. Happy to see the service expanding and hope to see more in the future 🙌

DoNotPay 2.0
The world's first robot lawyer expands to 1,000 legal areas

Nikhil V.
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Can confirm that this *blazing* fast. Well done @kylemathews!

Blazing fast static site generator for React

Nikhil V.
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Congrats on the launch, BotList team! So impressed to see the growth and the changes since a little over a year ago.

BotList 2.0
The best bots for Messenger, Slack, Alexa, Discord and more

Nikhil V.
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Hello ProductHunt!
The Reads are back, with a (slightly) new site design, new logo, and plenty of good content to go around! I've been experimenting and really doing a lot of reading on the topic lately, so here's a curated list of what's helped me out the most. The format here is focused on resources for getting started and breaking into SaaS. A goal from the posts listed is that you also...

SaaS Reads
The best resources for SaaS

SaaS Reads
The best resources for SaaS

Nikhil V.
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Congrats on the first project. I like the minimal design and how quickly I can get through with advice for different locations. Well done, and here's to more cool products 😉
This Travel Idea Rocks
Find inspiration for your next awesome trip

Nikhil V.
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Hello ProductHunt!
I’m back with a new resource project today and this time, it’s all about Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Like last time, I spent a little more time than usual looking through some resources and learning myself, so I thought I’d sure all the great resources that I found. All of these are curated based on something that can provide value and resources that stand...

AI/ML Reads
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning resource directory

Nikhil V.
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Digging the design and simplicity of this app. Will miss the Vine Community though!
Vine Camera
The Vine Camera is for making 6 second looping videos

Nikhil V.
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Hello ProductHunt 👋
New Year, new side project! Venture Reads is a way to find the best resources (curated by me), such as articles, newsletters, useful side projects, podcasts, and videos from Venture Capitalists, VC Firms, and Angels.
This project was mostly inspired by my own interest in perspectives from VCs about tech and startups, but also realizing that these articles and...

Venture Reads
The best resources created by VCs, Firms, and Angels