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  • Davide Benini

    Davide Benini

    Maker of Menu Plan and Read me Aloud


    Davide is a freelance iOs designer and developer. He has got himself an English Lit degree and a PhD in Irish literature. After a brief period working as a technical translator, he started pursuing his passion for computers and development. Davide has been working on iOS ever since the first SDK was released. He has worked on a huge number of projects, mostly with the good folks at NTNext and with his pal Filippo. Davide is married to Michela and has two kids, Federico and Caterina. When not coding or playing with his kids, Davide plays Irish music on the fiddle and mandolin or tends to his vegetable garden. You can find some extra info on Davide on his country life blog, quagliodromo.it, or his work website davidebenini.it.


    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking 5
    Gone streaking 5

    Maker History

    • Read Me Aloud
      Read Me Aloud
      iPad tales for kids who are learning to read
      Jan 2023
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntDecember 16th, 2022