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COVID-19 results in loss of revenue to the firms and people start losing their jobs. Many firms have filed for bankruptcy whereas many firms have asked for govt. help to sustain the current crisis.

Economic recovery after COVID-19 crisis
Types of economic recoveries

Helicopter money is a good concept but it has its risks. As per my opinion helicopter money should be considered as a last resort.

Helicopter Money
helicopter money should be considered as a last resort.

In January 1991 India’s Forex reserve saw its lowest point of $1.2 Billion, which was sufficient to support the country for next 10 days and now India has the world’s 5th largest external reserve of $493,480 Billion.

India is proliferating its Forex Reserve
An achievement for New Delhi

Indian banking systems are facing the issue, but the decision taken by New Delhi could hurt the economy in the long run. The government should not focus upon short run it should also consider the long run.

Bad Bank
Bad Bank a savior of banking system?

So how a virus leads the world economy into crisis and cause an axe on 25 Million people job? are going to talk about this topic.

COVID – 19 & the World Economy
Novel Corona Virus is a new member of the CoronaVirus family

The GDP growth of the Australian economy in 2018 was declining consciously, but the main argument in this at how much? official statement of the Government of Australia noted that growth rate is about 2.9%.

Why is the Australianeconomy slowingdown
Australian economy in 2018 was declining consciously.

The main problem from my point of view is Venezuela’s economy which started to depend upon oil export, and that began to create problems for them as oil prices began falling in 2014.

Venezuela's Hyperinflation
How an oil exporting giant fallen so badly.

Oil is been considerd as an black gold and this black gold can give an huge boost to any economy. So how did a country with the worlds largest known oil reservers has fallen? I had talked about this.

Venezuela's Hyperinflation
How an oil rich country has fallen so badly?