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  • Taylor Young

    Taylor Young

    Building free tools for Git users.
    1 point


    Hi! I am Taylor and I am a Flatiron School graduate who works in Data. Back in 2018 I built RepoSweeper, a tool for bulk managing GitHub repositories. Since then it has had over 10,000 users. My goal is to continue working in Data while continuing to build products. The most recent product I worked on was UpText.ai, a writing buddy for creative writers. The above products and mission fall under the umbrella of the brand Open Source Office Hours or OSOH for short. I think this brand can be used to form relationships with educational institutions and help aspiring engineers find educative opportunities and mentors.


    Engineering at Open Source Office Hours


    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking

    Maker History

    • RepoSweeper
      Bulk Delete GitHub Repositories
      Feb 2024
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntFebruary 8th, 2024