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Paul Lee
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I think this is an extremely BRAVE attempt to make one of America's greatest works of literature more accessible, relevant, and visually stimulating. Many of Walden's themes of simplicity, connection with nature, government corruption, and self-reflection are arguably more relevant to Americans in 2016 than they were when the book was originally written, so I'm looking forward to getting my...

The New Walden
Beautiful, modern adaptation of Thoreau's masterpiece.

The New Walden
Beautiful, modern adaptation of Thoreau's masterpiece.

Paul Lee
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Logistically, how does this work? I get annoyed every time I'm driving through SF and an Uber/Lyft suddenly stops for 30-45 seconds to pick up a rider, forcing everyone to drive around it. Imagine what would occur if a huge fuel truck stopped for 3 minutes in a parking lot or in a driving lane, potentially making multiple stops within the same 100 yard radius. Is this something these services...

Booster Fuels
On-demand fuel service while you work

Paul Lee
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Having incredible flashbacks to when I was a kid and seemingly everyone in school was carrying a Tamagotchi around and making sure their digital pet was being taken care of. Pakka Pets expands on the concept in some creative, weird, and often funny ways, including Pokemon-like evolutions and pet food alchemy. Great concept and execution!

Pakka Pets
A fun, adorable, Tamagotchi-like pet adventure.

Pakka Pets
A fun, adorable, Tamagotchi-like pet adventure.

Paul Lee
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Been a user for a week or so now and I must say, while every photo combination doesn't come out perfect, most of the thrill is in the uncertainty of not knowing exactly how a Pikazo will turn out, and sheer joy when you create something amazing. It's also a great feeling when you create something awesome that your peers on Pikazo (posting on Instagram or Facebook) applaud your creations.

Remix your photos into incredible artwork

Paul Lee
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Love the copywriting and branding (and the product looks cool, too)... but looking at this begs the question: Why not just try to be the company that imports Korean/Japanese high tech toilet seats (which are more common than non-tech toilet seats in those countries) and be the one to make them mainstream in the U.S.? Their technology is so much more advanced (and so much more cost-effective) at...

Turn your toilet into a bidet 🚽

Paul Lee
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great progress on Kickstarter! excited to see this in action.

Type with your hand gestures (Say goodbye to keyboards)

Paul Lee
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Your dedication to teaching and mentoring good programmers is really awesome, Chris! Glad GoRails is finally on PH so more people can support your mission.

Ruby on Rails screencasts for Web Developers

Paul Lee
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This isn't just a book about Korean pop culture and its rise to technological dominance - it explains a lot about Korea's history, belief systems, and complex cultural quirks. Korean economic development really accelerated in the 1980's, which is when the author returned to Korea as a child. As someone who also spent time in both the U.S. and South Korea as a kid, I can vouch for the accuracy...

The Birth of Korean Cool
South Korea's rise from a war-torn nation to a tech giant.

The Birth of Korean Cool
South Korea's rise from a war-torn nation to a tech giant.

Paul Lee
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Awesome! Reminds me of the symbiotic material in Spiderman/Venom.

Electro-mechanical clock with a liquid display

Paul Lee
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I watched this pitch and was a little put off by how guarded the founders were about the technology. It made the whole thing seem a little sketchy, to be honest. Can somebody explain in better detail what vitals/metrics this device is tracking and how that correlates to superior fertility predictions?

Ava's patented multi-sensor bracelet, allows women to preci…

Paul Lee
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So inspiring. Do you guys have plans to create other characters in the future?

Jerry the Bear
One Bear. Many superpowers.

Paul Lee
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Very cool! Have you thought about creating 1 aggregate "influence"-type metric? Perhaps based on ratio of Tweets:Points and taking into account # of followers? Knowing how competitive some people are, I think it could resonate - especially if you could compare yourself to peers. Just a thought. Keep up the great work!

Life on Twitter
A simple tool that analyzes your Twitter behavior and perso…

Paul Lee
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Tamagotchi! I remember those. :)

A virtual pet for your Apple Watch from BuzzFeed!

Paul Lee
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Love the mascot! Great whimsical take on a topic that's generating a lot of controversy right now.

Block ads and protect your privacy on iOS with a bear

Paul Lee
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Love the simplicity of the concept! Does it work across many different industry verticals or are you focused on just a few to start?

The simplest AI toolkit for sales department.