Peter Širka

Peter Širka

Brutal Web Developer
38 points
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Peter Širka
OpenPlatform is a stylish and straightforward portal for running, integrating, and managing multiple third party web apps. OpenPlatform provides running applications with a set of services, such as user, security and app management or notifications.
Total.js OpenPlatform
Total.js OpenPlatform
Portal for integrating and running third party web apps
Peter Širka
Peter Širka
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Total.js OpenPlatform
Total.js OpenPlatform
Portal for integrating and running third party web apps
Peter Širka
Total.js Flow is an excellent and modern Visual Programming Interface for low-code development. It's a viable alternative to Node-RED and fully open-source under the MIT license.
Total.js Flow
Total.js Flow
Visual Programming Interface for everyone
Peter Širka
Total.js Platform is a collection of libraries, packages, UI components, practices, and complete products written in pure JavaScript. Most of our libraries and UI components are without any 3rd party dependencies. Website:
Total.js Platform
Total.js Platform
Open-source JavaScript platform