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Peter Nachbaur
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Hi ProductHunt! I'm Peter from the Keen IO Product team and I was a part of the maker team.
I'm really excited that we've taken this step forward - unifying the strengths of Keen with the strengths of the SQL and BI ecosystems! Our goal was to help teams run analysis their way, with the easiest possible custom event data collection. Looking forward to hearing your feedback, happy to answer...

Stream to BigQuery by Keen IO
An easy way to get all your interaction data in BigQuery

Stream to BigQuery by Keen IO is a fully-managed data pipeline. Use Keen's 15+ developer SDKs to collect custom JSON event data like user activities and ad interactions. BigQuery gives you the ability to run powerful SQL analysis across your business, and to connect and visualize your data in modern BI tools like Tableau.

Stream to BigQuery by Keen IO
An easy way to get all your interaction data in BigQuery

Native Analytics by Keen IO
Build and ship analytics features for your users.