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Phil Boscarino
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Well done, I agree there is a big need for updated tools. I would suggest adding the rate of return you are using in your calculations so people can gauge. Also may want to not say it's extremely accurate for liability reasons. Keep up the good work!

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Phil Boscarino
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Can't wait to see this built out. I've been trying to book Parsons Landing on Catalina but due to only having 8 campsites you can imagine how fast this place gets booked up. This would be extremely helpful!

Book the dates you want at the best campgrounds

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Phil Boscarino
left a comment
Been waiting for something like this. As far as regulations, are you a licensed RIA? Which custodians are you using? Given the nature of anonymity with bitcoin, what type of tax reporting are you doing?
Wealthfront for your Bitcoin, investing for everyone.

Phil Boscarino
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Used this in LA for the last couple months and it's pretty amazing. While other delivery services take 30-60min, Uber is there in less than 10. They've also done a good job to partner with quality restaurants so the extra $$ you spend feels justifiable.

On-demand food delivery via Uber, now launching in NYC

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