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Pierre Maynial
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You guys rock!
I was looking for the fastest one-way ticket to Burn-out land.
I think I eventually found it!
A time tracker that asks what you're doing every 10 minutes
Pierre Maynial
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Congrats for the launch!
Free Carrd Templates For Your Next Project.
Pierre Maynial
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Hi PH community!
Do you know companies that have cash issues, while offering payment terms to clients?
Is it the case of your own business?
Many B2B companies and suppliers offer long payment terms to clients (Net 30, Net 45, and sometimes more).
Although it's common practice across many B2B industries, vendors need to pay wages and other costs. Not to mention that late invoice payments...
Turn your invoices into cash.
Reinfund is a platform that boosts businesses' cash flow by offering their customers discounts in exchange for early payments.
Our approach is a "win-win" relationship between clients and suppliers.
Forget long payment terms... and late payments.
Turn your invoices into cash.
Pierre Maynial
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Good work. Very compelling value proposition. The testimonial section seems credible enough. Maybe the "constantly improving" benefit of the product could be slightly explained?
Feel free to check out our landing page as well ;)
I made web framework for indie makers that makes it easy to get a working product out the door
David Miranda
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Pierre Maynial
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Hi. Thanks for this great initiative!
About us, we've launched our landing page a couple of weeks ago. We are getting ready for our first beta testing soon. Before that, we're trying to figure out if the value proposition in our landing page is compelling enough (for business owners & accounting, finance professionals).
I would appreciate your...
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Pierre Maynial
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Thumbs up. Nice concept for a critical problem. Is it going to be subscription based?
Website & database backups with smart features and an API
Pierre Maynial
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That rocks. It improves the overall experience of your readers / customers. It's playful and not too intrusive. Ultimately improves SEO score. What more could you ask??? thumbs up
Gift Hunt for WordPress
Online treasure hunt on your WordPress site
Pierre Maynial
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Hi, I’m Pierre.
After providing equity and financing advice to companies for eight years, the lack of attention paid to working capital management surprised me. Old habits die hard. Most finance teams feel they have limited control over Accounts Receivable. Many companies don’t realize they can adjust invoice payment terms. Even worse, some businesses do not have a proactive strategy for...
Cash Flow Optimizer
Accelerate payments from your clients
Our solution boosts businesses' cash flow, by negotiating payment terms with their clients.
We help:
1- Set up a customized client incentive program
2- Automate your client incentive process
3- Track the performance and financial impact of your program
Cash Flow Optimizer
Accelerate payments from your clients