Pierre Valade

Pierre Valade

CEO, Jumbo Privacy. CEO Sunrise.
644 points
All activity
Pierre Valade
Today, JUMBO – founded by Sunrise's CEO – become 100% free, along with a redesigned app. It's the first time you can get up to $1M in identity theft insurance, for free.
Now Free, including up to $1M Identity theft insurance.
Pierre Valade
Pierre Valade
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Very inspiring mission! Great team, well done!
Cut back on alcohol & drink more mindfully without quitting
Pierre Valade
Pierre Valade
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Great update! Well done @kschlenker
The New Opal
The New Opal
Real focus in real-time, with iOS 16 Screen Time API
Pierre Valade
Pierre Valade
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Fantastic product.
Waldo V2
Continuous end-to-end mobile testing
Pierre Valade
Waldo is the world’s first no-code testing platform that lets anyone create reliable, automated mobile tests without the hassle of scripting. Every time you upload a new version, Waldo automatically replays them against every new version of your app.
Ship your mobile app faster, with fewer bugs
Pierre Valade
We believe privacy is a fundamental right.
Our mission is to build tools that make exercising that right easily accessible for everyone.
Discover Jumbo 2 today.
Jumbo Privacy 2
Jumbo Privacy 2
Take back control of your data
Pierre Valade
Playground is the easiest way to test your analytics events for iOS. Drag and drop your build into Playground then play with your app directly in the browser, Inspect your tracking events and API calls. You can even share testing sessions with your coworkers!
Playground Analytics
Your analytics inspector for iOS
Pierre Valade
Pierre Valade
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Amazing work! I’m an active user.
Navigator (beta)
The Teamwork assistant — run great meetings without busywork