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Anton Podviaznikov
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this is brilliant, democratization of the financial tools to run your startup!
Bootstrap by Fuelfinance
Financial management system for early-stage startups
Create and publish a website, blog or portfolio using nothing but Apple Notes.
No more excuses to not have a personal site.
1. Create dedicated folder in the Apple Notes.
2. Connect it to Montaigne.
3. Add notes with your content.
4. You are done!
Create and publish a website using nothing but Apple Notes.
Anton Podviaznikov
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this is incredible. I love Loom and Dropbox. But it's great to see more product in this space.
and it makes sense to have such functionality integrated.
Dropbox Capture
All-in-one visual communication tool
Anton Podviaznikov
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Congrats Marin and the team on the launch. Are you planning to support other tools in the future (beyond Trello)?
Somehow, I would assume yes and it will depend on the success of this product for Trello.
Automatic time-tracking embedded in your Trello workflow
Anton Podviaznikov
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Been a member for a while. Interesting to see how this scouting change will play out.
Seedscout 2.0
We're replacing resumes & applications with a better filter
Anton Podviaznikov
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Brilliant idea to offer free service in exchange for putting your logo on the site
Weld Websites
Create websites with any design, for any device.
Anton Podviaznikov
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@dglbr congrats on the launch! Would be cool if you include screenshots on your main site (or even better short video). That way potential users would have some expectations about future experience. After I saw screenshots here I realized that product is more well-thought than I anticipated. Good job!
Practice live coding interviews with engineers, for free
Anton Podviaznikov
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I do like landing page design a lot. Great idea having non-standard 2 columns with nice video and images.
Your daily commute. Redesigned.
Anton Podviaznikov
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Starting pricing seems too high. I would like to use something much cheaper in the side projects. After successful experience at the side projects, that would be reasonable to pay suggested price.
Monitoring for systems & applications at scale
Anton Podviaznikov
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Like the concept. I created an app for hackathon based on similar ideas: commutations before visual interaction. Check out demo video:
36 Questions
An iOS app to help two people fall in love
Anton Podviaznikov
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I made a little bit similar app one year ago for the hackathon. It was inspired by Kevin Rose's tinyBlog idea.
So I created text chat with constant video background (no audio). Motivation was the same: show real emotions.
See your friends reaction while they reply to your chat.
Anton Podviaznikov
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This for sure great idea. I know for sure that there is demand for such a service. It came up several times in conversations with digital nomads in the last couple of years.
Global Co-Living Subscription for Nomads (pre-launch)