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Alex Hernandez
Alex Hernandez
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Huh. I had no idea they didn't have an api before. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Airbnb Official API
Airbnb Official API
Develop your application for millions of travelers & hosts
Alex Hernandez
Alex Hernandez
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This color palette is quite pleasant. 🎨
Base UI Sketch Framework
Huge set of everything you need to design and prototype
Alex Hernandez
Alex Hernandez
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I didn't even know they had an app.
TechCrunch 3.0
TechCrunch 3.0
The mobile app, completely redesigned from the ground up ✨
Alex Hernandez
Alex Hernandez
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This app is beautiful!
Cherry Tomato UWP
Cherry Tomato UWP
Pomodoro®-like experience as a native UWP app
Alex Hernandez
Alex Hernandez
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I have no need for this. But I WANT IT.
The most badass off-roading vehicle in the world.