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Alex Hernandez
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What exactly is the hook for this console? Are they releasing games to compete with the big 3? Or is it just for playing classics?
Reinventing the way you game. Again.
Alex Hernandez
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Huh. I had no idea they didn't have an api before. 🤷🏼♀️
Airbnb Official API
Develop your application for millions of travelers & hosts
Alex Hernandez
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This color palette is quite pleasant. 🎨
Base UI Sketch Framework
Huge set of everything you need to design and prototype
Alex Hernandez
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I didn't even know they had an app.
TechCrunch 3.0
The mobile app, completely redesigned from the ground up ✨
Alex Hernandez
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This is one weirder things I've ever seen. Thank goodness English isn't made more complicated by this. 😅
Progressive Punctuation
A collection of lost punctuation marks
Alex Hernandez
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While it's a cool idea, can't help but be distracted by the fact that it's the same name as my mate's startup.
Digital personal trainer 💪 and happy motivator on Messenger
Alex Hernandez
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This app is beautiful!
Cherry Tomato UWP
Pomodoro®-like experience as a native UWP app
Alex Hernandez
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I really loved the look and feel of Airmail fro quite a while. Unfortunately, I found a breaking bug that didn't allow me to send outgoing mail at all. The support team wasn't able to help me at all. Hopefully this update will fix such problems.
Airmail 3
A simple, beautiful email client for Mac and iOS
Alex Hernandez
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I have no need for this. But I WANT IT.
The most badass off-roading vehicle in the world.
Alex Hernandez
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Worked on a similar product a while ago regarding HVAC techs. It's cool to see these trade service niche products taking off.
Online software to help landscapers
Alex Hernandez
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Is there a long term plan to have this as a semi-open platform a la AirBnB? Wouldn't imagine this including individual homes but dedicated spaces.
The first global co-living subscription