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  • Pradeep Soundararajan

    Pradeep Soundararajan

    Founder CEO of Bugasura.io
    247 points


    I was made by a village of people who enabled me to become one of the most passionate testers India ever produced. With passion, skills and care for fellow software professionals, I built a community of testers focusing on preventing bugs to pay it forward. Founder CEO | Moolya | Bootstrapped Services | MM USD ARR Founder CEO | Bugasura | International Paying Customers Bugasura.io is the modern bug tracker fast moving SaaS teams need. Our USP is simplicity, speed and scalability. We run "remove and simplify" sprints after every "add new things" sprints. Our super committment to our Bugasura.io customers - we will keep this clean and lean. Good stuff, new age PM's, Designers, Devs and QA's are loving Bugasura.io



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