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puchos uy
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Ese icono de mate en tu web es sublime !

Create micro-websites. Instantly get a link and QR code.

puchos uy
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I'm about to go to bed so I didn't read the comments, but at a glance I didn't see an agency/white label option. Right now I can't charge $20/month to a restaurant, most are closed or trying to survive, if an agency plan was more affordable we can fine tune price locally depending on the economic situation of each market. Just an idea, service seems very interesting. Keep up the good work Victor.

Whatsapp-powered food ordering tool for restaurants

puchos uy
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Names are important, but not as important as we think they're. Naming a project is hard, because once you find the right name for it, then you have to find a domain name, social media user names and that's not easy task, it changes all you had been creating all these time
How do you find a name for your projects?
Xavier Coiffard
Join the discussion

puchos uy
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I'd like to do something similar to deploy on my country. Lots of issues with teen employment, and this could really help reactivate the job market for them.
Is there anyone willing to share what's used in building this platform? I have to own the service and host it here due to the personal data protection we have, all data needs to be stored in a server here. Best success to the maker @anilkrl

Build your CV easily with spreadsheet

puchos uy
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how to get in touch with the Maker?

Making restaurant dine in safer, faster, and easier.

puchos uy
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Will try this for sure. Is a trend right now, but it has so much potential. Thanks for making it !

WP MyLinks
Create micro landing pages for links using WordPress

puchos uy
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Another model as a suggestion. Think about a reseller panel, you can open up infinite streams of revenue. Speaking from a small country in south america I can tell you there's a need for systems like this but not all small biz owners have the knowledge to manage it. Having a reseller you take this to a local level, humanize the service and this open a side job opportunity to a lot of people...
Create your online catalog, receive orders on WhatsApp 🛒