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H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
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Where is the down vote link for this kind of junk?

Airbnb Cereal
A new typeface that takes you from button to billboard

H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
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We are currently using Paypal and Shopify shipping both. One thing I cannot do with them is to print return shipping label (from customer address to us). In Paypal, the workaround is to add customer address to be OUR address and print label to previous address. Do you allow to print shipping label from any address to the business address?

Shipping for Stripe
Print shipping labels for Stripe orders, from Shippo

H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
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I am not seeing this as useful. I have done business with a bunch of Alibaba companies and they were fine. When I checked on them using this tool, I got the range of 45% - 55% with very similar generic Pros / Cons. I am not seeing how this can help me make solid decision whether it's a YES or NO.
Factory Confirm by Sourcify
Find trustworthy Alibaba suppliers using Chrome

H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
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I saw all the nice comments here. Good job. But I have to be direct. Why would I use this vs. Inspectlet because I am already happy with it.

Fullstory Free
Web analytics with full session playback, now free

H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
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Why should I use this instead of Unity3D? Unity Plus is much cheaper.

Corona SDK
Build games 10x faster.

H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
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I am in a market for this and so far I have not bought any. So here is my honest feedback to Kamerar:
1. My use cases are mainly food photos when we're at dinner table in darker place. What can I use the lens for? Would it take better food photo? I don't see any example on the website.
2. I take Portrait and the iPhone 7 is pretty dang good but it's not that good with complex human body parts...

Add fisheye/telephoto + macro zoom lenses to iPhone 7 Plus

H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
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This is awesome. Although it's interesting to note everyone that the website is 2 years old and the latest update was like 6 months ago. Given it's very mobile friendly, the author of this must have some "skills" back in 2014.

A little tool to improve your writing

H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
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For some reason this is blank on Firefox but works fine in Chrome. I really like the UI aspect. I saw that you guys are using Greensock. Any trick / tip on how to build a graph like this?
What the world is talking about, visualized graphically

H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
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I was hoping there is something like this for sound / track since there are many sites on free videos and images already. Nice job. The survival of this is definitely about the number of tracks and quality!

Royalty-free music samples to inspire your project.