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  • Raju Sykam

    Raju Sykam

    Full stack developer, Entrepreneur
    WhatsAppFree Astrology API


    Hello World, This is Sykam Raju. I am a coder, educator and an Astrologer. I love making web applications, data and analytics. I am passionate about technologies and love coding and managing teams. In my spare time I like to teach Programming, Databases, PHP, Python, Machine Learning etc. I am currently working on certain machine learning and Data Science projects and love to explore more in the Statistics field. I am a certified Astrologer and doing research since 2004. In my free time, I make some web applications related to astrology. You can check them here at FREEASTROLOGYAPI.COM and JYOTISH.SOFTWARE


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    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking 5
    Gone streaking 5

    Maker History

    • Free Astrology API
      Free Astrology API
      Free Astrology API for your apps and websites
      Mar 2023
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      Joined Product HuntMarch 11th, 2023