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  • Raluca Rusu

    Raluca Rusu

    Let us build the software you need!
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    Raluca Rusu
    We have helped founders and business leaders build successful products and software services. You have the vision for an awesome digital experience. We’re the software design and engineering team that can bring it to life.
    Let's build your MVP
    Software engineers and development teams at your fingertips.
    Raluca Rusu
    Card game you can play online. Each round, players get a question to which they have to answer. It has different questions packs depending on who you're playing with. You can play from any device and also remotely with the video calling feature.
    Card game you can play online and remotely by video calling
    Raluca Rusu
    Raluca Rusu
    left a comment
    This is awesome! Very useful, thanks 🤩
    REPL + video conferencing + interview questions library
    Raluca Rusu
    Raluca Rusu
    left a comment
    Looks awesome! Congrats 🚀
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