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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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It's a reliable guide for those seeking real savings on essential tools. Good luck for the launch guys.
World's Top 500 Black Friday SaaS Deals
The ultimate BFCM software deals finder of 2023, save big

Ramandeep Ramarayane
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amazing tool, love the idea behind the app

What she said VS what she really meant

Ramandeep Ramarayane
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congratulations on the launch

Build your website like never before - no code

Ramandeep Ramarayane
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Amazing, congratulations on the launch
The largest community of tomorrow's builders

Ramandeep Ramarayane
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Congratulations on launch, amazing ui

Digitize & verify credentials in the blockchain

Ramandeep Ramarayane
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Amazing , love the UI and Colors, would love to try it more.
UX Mining
Discover experiences of your users

Ramandeep Ramarayane
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Amazing, love the UI, congratulations on the launch.
Feedback Widget by Olvy
The smartest feedback widget around 🪄

Ramandeep Ramarayane
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for me, AI helped me to get the trending topic and it made creating content easier with epic suggestions
AI in SEO. How are you leveraging AI in the SEO workflow?
Mayank Jain
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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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analyse user behaviour and if it helps , provide some of customization in your product is your product allow, or improve the usability as per the analysis.
What strategies work to reduce customer churn?
Gaurav Goyal
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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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Here's mine
Product Upvoted : 200
Comments: 180
Longest Streak : 40
What's cool in your PH rewind 2022?
Binay Singh
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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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No Change in work schedule so far
Has your work schedule changed at all due to the weather conditions this winter?
Binay Singh
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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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it should solve the intended problem
What is the most important aspect of developing a SaaS product?
Soumya Chaturvedi
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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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AWS Quicksight is what i would suggest
Which product do you use for business analytics?
Gaurav Goyal
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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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planning to choose a skill and master it step by step
How are you welcoming 2023 ?
Soumya Chaturvedi
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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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having an interactive webinar, polls, views on some common question around the SaaS, will give you an idea the audience as well as it will engage them.
How to leverage WEBINARS for growing of a prosumer SaaS business?
Mayank Jain
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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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an affordable camera that can give you jaw dropping clarity in your Photos and Video, better than hasselblad.
Your innovation wish list for 2023?
Saurabh Wadhawan
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Ramandeep Ramarayane
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Amazing product guys. Congratulations on the launch.
Love the simplicity of the product.
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