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Explore an extensive audio library of over 300 recorded therapy sessions with our team of experienced, handpicked therapists. Anonymous listening, anytime, anywhere. Get concrete help from licensed therapists. Feel better.

Therapy anytime, anywhere. Just hit play.

Randhir Vieira
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I read about Meomind and since I worked on a few behavioral health products before, I know the acute patient need and the shortage of therapists. I thought Meomind's approach was novel but was a bit skeptical. I tried some of the sessions and got feedback from friends and family as well. It is surprisingly effective and helpful especially when you do not have immediate access to a therapist. A...

Therapy anytime, anywhere. Just hit play.

Randhir Vieira
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@hariharankam the pricing page does not provide pricing! What is the per seat pricing at least for the first 2 tiers?

Search for ideal candidates like never before

Randhir Vieira
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@shir_ekerling1 This is super easy and helpful. Thanks for putting it together. Is there a version that people can use for web apps that are behind a login? Any plans to have a version of this for mobile apps?

Test any website to see if it’s accessible, for free!

Randhir Vieira
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This is great and actionable for static websites. Any plans to use this to assess signed in web app experiences?

Test any website to see if it’s accessible, for free!

Randhir Vieira
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Is there a way to upload a recording to your service after the fact? We record many of our GoToMeeting calls but only need some of them transcribed. Rather than having to make the decision ahead of the call or in real-time, I would prefer to upload what we want transcribed.

Automatic note taker for phone calls

Randhir Vieira
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I have been using the multi-step Zaps for a few weeks now and absolutely love it. This team does an amazing job of taking a complex problem and building a simple, intuitive UI for product/business folks to use. Only Zapier would be crazy enough to take on the challenge and complexity of getting hundreds of apps to work with each other. They do a great job.
I see comments about the pricing and...

Multi-Step Zaps by Zapier
The easiest way to build powerful workflows with your apps