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Ranjini Kishen Kumar
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Hi there! I specialize in using AI automation to help individuals and businesses streamline their workflows and enhance productivity. I am dedicated to helping small businesses. startups & individuals streamline their workflows. I specialize in creating budget-friendly Zapier integrations and Voiceflow chatbots tailored to meet your unique needs.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by repetitive...

Automating your business & life processes with AI

Struggling with repetitive tasks and complicated workflows? Automate your business effortlessly with Zapier automations and Voiceflow chatbots. They automate tasks, enhance engagement, and streamline workflows. Affordable, scalable, and tailored to your needs.

Automating your business & life processes with AI

Spindle transforms one idea into posts for LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, and YouTube in minutes, saving 10+ hrs a week. Ready-to-use content to boost engagement effortlessly.

Idea to content everywhere, effortlessly

Ranjini Kishen Kumar
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As a content creator, I often found myself overwhelmed by the demand to consistently produce fresh, engaging content across various platforms. This challenge inspired me to create Spindle. It's not just an app; it's a solution to transform a single idea into a diverse range of content, from blog posts and social media updates to YouTube video ideas, all within minutes. This tool is my way of...

Idea to content everywhere, effortlessly

Ranjini Kishen Kumar
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Hey There , from Trailblaze .
You know, as we navigate the digital era, one thing becomes clear – time is our most valuable asset. Students, professionals, non-profits, and businesses alike face the daunting challenge of sifting through endless tools and platforms, hoping to craft meaningful content. It's time-consuming, expensive, and often overwhelming.
That's where Trailblaze steps...

One platform, infinite growth

🚀 Trailblaze: Your all-in-one AI portal for students & professionals. Elevate your career with AI-powered tools. Simplify success, from education to employment! 🌟 #TrailblazeAI

One platform, infinite growth

Pixel: Transforming visions into action through design. Fast, flat-fee, async services for impact-driven organizations. Unleash your mission, one pixel at a time.

Creative subscriptions, your Netflix for design

Ranjini Kishen Kumar
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At Pixel, we're on a mission to help organizations like yours make a real impact. We believe that design has the power to transform ideas into action, and that's why we're dedicated to crafting visual experiences that resonate with your mission.
Having dedicated myself to the cause of social impact, I've spent quite some time and worked with a lot of organisations seeking designs that...

Creative subscriptions, your Netflix for design