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Robbie Glenn
Robbie Glenn
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I spend 10 minutes planning next week. It gives me a clear head for the weekend and less stress on Monday.
🗓️ What’s one habit to adopt every Friday for better productivity?
Yerang Park | AI-Powered Vision
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Robbie Glenn
Robbie Glenn
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Likes feel nice, but conversions feel like progress it's a completely different ball game.
Jao Japitana
Do you think engagement metrics like ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ are overrated compared to conversions?
Robbie Glenn
Robbie Glenn
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I've seen how AI is already filtering out bots and fake followers, and I think that's a huge win for influencrs
Austin Armstrong
How do you see AI transforming influencer marketing over the next few years?
Austin Armstrong
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Robbie Glenn
Robbie Glenn
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I always start by talking to customer directly it's the only way to truly understand their pain points.
Abhishek Dutta
What’s your strategy for building a product that solves real customer problems?
Abhishek Dutta
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Robbie Glenn
Robbie Glenn
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I prefer auditing my content twice a year.
Jao Japitana
How often do you conduct an audit of your marketing content, and what’s your process?
Robbie Glenn
Robbie Glenn
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Sometimes I just need to get outside.
How you adjust yourself when you're depressed?
Robbie Glenn
Robbie Glenn
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AI could make traditional strategies feel outdated.
Austin Armstrong
Do you think AI could make traditional keyword strategies obsolete? Why or why not?
Austin Armstrong
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Robbie Glenn
Robbie Glenn
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AI's impact on accessibility is huge, like when it helps me with disabilities control smart home devices.
Ryan Chen
What’s the most exciting AI use case you’ve seen recently?