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Robert Neal
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I’d be curious to know if I could start my recording either from the phone or even better from my AirPods using Siri. I love snapchats land and expand product development strategy.

Spectacles 3
Snapchats latest update to their Spectacles range

Robert Neal
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Someone did say they got one black person after about 50 refreshes
Pros: Cool way to visualize what AI can do.
Cons: The owners have trained the AI to be a little racist for some reason it doesn't generate any black people when you refresh

This Person Does Not Exist
Computer generated people - refresh to get a new one

Robert Neal
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I really like the product and the fact that update it every year. Its definitely my recommendation to start off the new year.
Pros: Amazing way ( especially for beginners ) to be able to reference everything in Front-End Dev
Cons: None really maybe it could be more mobile friendly or better ui but its a book so no big deal

Front-End Developer Handbook 2017
Learn about the practice of front-end development

I and a few other Stellar community members saw thousands of people basing their knowledge off of short headlines and Reddit posts. So, in order to provide more in-depth information, we worked for 2 weeks to write a 25+ page Google Doc, which was then transformed into a NoviceDock syllabus with over 50 resources.
Stellar Syllabus
Learning track for the coin helping impoverished communities

Robert Neal
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Really great book Id say also checkout charlie munger's work
Pros: Amazing book and great intro to some of the more important cognitive biases
Cons: Does get into more biases

The psychology of persuasion, revised edition

Robert Neal
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Would love to see a category for educational platforms!
Pros: Amazing Designs in lots of categories
Cons: Missing one or two categories I'm specifically looking for.
App Pages
Curated directory of the best app pages

Working with the creator of this successful reddit post, we turned it into a complete syllabus for learning Ethereum. Each section of the syllabus has a detailed summary, and also a bunch of curated resources discovered from around the web.
It can be overwhelming learning a new topic, so we created this track to give direction to new learners.

Ethereum Syllabus
A complete Ethereum learning track, packed with resources