Roee Barak

Roee Barak

Passionate about knowledge & AI.
306 points


I'm a passionate and creative dreamer, building stuff for almost 2 decades now. I love productivity and knowledge tools since my time in Law School, where I struggled to cope with reading and processing information. Knowledge is a pillar of humanity for thousands of years - from the first writings on the walls of caves 5000 years ago. History is full of knowledge innovation from the first libraries, to printed books, digitalization, and Google granting access to information in the palm of our hands. My mission is to build the next generation of knowledge tools to help empower the people of this world. And this is the perfect storm, being able to build during one of the most exciting technological revolutions of all time - is a huge opportunity.


Founder & Leadership at Upword


Buddy System
Buddy System


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Top 5 Launch
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
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Maker History

  • Upword
    Transforming content into knowledge
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntApril 6th, 2022