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jack rometty
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Hey Product Hunt!
Neuron let's you play music without knowing theory. When I learned piano, it took months to start really having fun. That's too long for most people. If you can hit keys on your laptop keyboard, you can play Neuron.
Would love to know what you think, and I hope you have fun with it. That's goal #1
sneak peak at month 2:...

Play music in your browser without knowing music theory

Play music in your browser without knowing music theory

jack rometty
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used this intermittently during the beta, and the interface is smooth as hell. you need to download it to fully understand how great the audio editing interface is :)

Record and listen to conversations, rants, and audio shows

jack rometty
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This is amazing! I hope Openvote ends "I don't vote because it doesn't matter"
Will openvote encourage reading opposing arguments? for example, will reading "why X is pro-choice" recommend me to check out "why Y is pro-life"? I'm curious as to why people don't read politically perpendicular articles today. is having easy access to both sides enough to give opposing ideas a chance?

Openvote Public Beta
Crowd-voting for elections. Turn your one vote into many

jack rometty
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hahahaha "not just another 'verby noun'" i love this

Jumpy Wall
Colourful endless wall jumper, not just another 'verby noun'

jack rometty
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@sanath_p what happens if StatusOK goes down?

StatusOk (Open source)
Get notified through Slack/email when your website is down

jack rometty
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I just discovered that I love triangular pixel art. @semateos how did you get started?
Instagram for triangular pixel art

Baron Fig Squire
The pen by which ideas become real.

Waking Up With Sam Harris - The Best Podcast Ever
Sam and Omer Aziz talk about Islam and Islamism.

jack rometty
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The slack example is awesome. I see HUGE side-project & hackathon potential. If you guys make a community Slack chat your bot is going to be insane :)
Question: How has your idea of fieldbook changed since your original launch? What were you originally wrong about that you've since changed your mind on?

Fieldbook Codelets
Host snippets of code, integrated with Fieldbook

GOLF's spring 2016 clothing line

jack rometty
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*hackathon project is dead*

Helping us learn more about each other and ourselves

Helping us learn more about each other and ourselves

jack rometty
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This is amazing! :)
My favorite part is the dot in North Korea.

Product Hunt Globe
Visualization of Product Hunt users worldwide

jack rometty
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hey mackenzie! i really enjoyed your 12in12 challenge! :)
this is great, and getting a spot in my taskbar. how often do you plan on updating it?

LOL Colors
Curated color palette inspiration.

jack rometty
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I'm a HUGE fan of pencil.
I remember the first prototype version only having a nugget of brilliance stuck into an unpolished web app. the Pencil team is iterating rapidly and has quickly flushed out their original good idea into an amazing
the biggest surprise I had while using Pencil was how simple and fun drafting a new storyis. if you haven't tried yet, be sure to take a minute...
Share beautiful stories with images and GIFs