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Ronja Bard Bringéus
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Wow! This looks super useful! Def going to try it next time I’m creating an ad👌✨ Good luck team!!
Create video ads from URLs: Web, App store, Playstore

Ronja Bard Bringéus
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Congrats to the launch! I love that the API is open source and easy to integrate. Imagine a world where all startups would know their carbon footprint and kick off their businesses like that. Digital products, and where I am - the fintech space has a large footprint that very few are aware of. I’m excited to learn more and being able to take action. Good luck on your journey!

Climatiq Emission Tracking API
Convert activity data into carbon metrics, automatically

Ronja Bard Bringéus
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Priori Data is an awesome and affordable tool for developers and companies working with apps. Been beta testing it from the start and I can highly recommend it. Congrats to the launch of the new version!

Priori Data 2.0
Simple, affordable app intelligence for mobile startups