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Ross Currie
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I've actually been working on something similar (AI recipe generation) with a very different take. Mine focuses more around a problem similar to "What's in the fridge?", but I'm using it as a tool to create content for a content play, rather than an app. Would be keen to share learnings, if you like.

WhatsCook: Meal Planner & Recipes
Reduce food waste with Weekly Menus and AI-powered recipes

Ross Currie
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Basically what this does is let you put two letters into a square, then put the fullname of your company next to it with a few font options. Slick interface, but with all the AI tools and other logo generators out there, when I read "generate" I expected something a bit more. Not worth giving you my e-mail address for, sorry.
In an effort to make my comment more constructive, I'd suggest...
Free logo generator, no bullshit, takes seconds

Ross Currie
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I tend to do this by hand - I write it out in a daily journal and have an Excel spreadsheet where I have all the macros of the foods I commonly eat and then another Excel spreadsheet that has my recipes, which allows me to break out my ingredient amounts and number of serves - after every meal I just punch the weight of my food into the excel spreadsheet, or go to the recipe book, and grab the...

Meal Planner
Automatically track your calories and plan healthy meals

Ross Currie
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Given shark attacks are rare, and practically non-existent for people swimming at the beach, do you not think that apps like this just contribute to the mass-hysteria and negative public sentiment around sharks?
Also, just to be clear, the risk factors are ones that you've determined by training your model on weather data? I assume then it doesn't take into account things like "the person...
A weather app, for sharkiness: Shark Attack Risk Forecasts

Ross Currie
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Got LinkedIn spam asking me to come here and "let us know what you think" - what I think is that founders who spam their producthunt links should be banned from producthunt.
Have a face-to-face conversation with ChatGPT

Ross Currie
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Needs ability to zoom so you can get a ccloser look. Also needs a count, perhaps with a % so you know how many countries you have left to go.

How much world?
Create a map of the countries you visited

Ross Currie
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Got spammed on reddit asking me to come and upvote this.
The Chatty Mammoth
Helping the time-poor read more, through our newsletter

Ross Currie
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Neat Idea. I achieve the same effect just by following certain authors on Goodreads, who both write in my preferred genre (fantasy) and are prolific readers/reviewers of my genre... but it's still definitely a struggle to find new books in the Amazon feed.

Track your reading and discover your next favourite book

Ross Currie
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I'm not a fan of receiving unsolicited e-mails from people I don't know asking me to visit their page on ProductHunt
Amplemarket 2.0
All-in-one platform to help you sell in today’s environment

Ross Currie
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I don't like the new default theme. I know it's a really petty thing, but I really liked the readability of v3 and damned if I can find how to set it back in v4.
I find myself using sublime less because of this.

Sublime Text 4
The sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose

Ross Currie
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1. Short-term (1wk) and long-term (12m+)
2. It's been a while. Upwork had some basic tools but they really didn't do much in terms of managing the project. I ended up using a word doc with requirements tables and highlighting the parts they'd finished.
3. Not properly reading requirements before they quote. And I mean when I attach a requirements doc with detailed sets of requirements. I'd...
Have you hired consultants from sites like Toptal, Upwork, etc?
Ishwar Jha
Join the discussion

Ross Currie
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If I just type IDDQD does it bypass the captcha?
DOOM Captcha
Captchas don't have to be boring

Ross Currie
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Looks like fun. Not sure I'll be able to make the 1am kick-off meeting though - fun fact, roughly 1/4 of the world's population lives on UTC+8, so when you make things at 1am on this timezone, you're excluding almost 1/4 of the world.
100 in 100 Challenge
Get 100 new paid users in 100 days

Ross Currie
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Part of me wishes this was called Vinegar.
Also, can't wait for the inevitable acquisition by Stripe, and then Paypal vs Stripe battle that ensues.
Anyway, great idea for a service. Honey is a game changer for the consumer, but the flipside of that is the impact on the retailers. Very creative!

Increase ecommerce profits by blocking coupon extensions

Ross Currie
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Nice. I have this idea written on a sticky note somewhere, but don't think I could've made it look as elegant as you have!

Social Image Generator
Automatically generate social images for your WordPress site

Ross Currie
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>If you came here just because of the name...please don’t
How else will you learn?
"This seems like a really great tool, but I'm finding the app hard to learn... do you have any JOI videos so I can learn to use this tool better?"
Serious question though, why continue with the branding given the uh... "widespread existing brand recognition" of the JOI acronym? Literally any time anyone...

JOI 2.0
A pocket self-care assistant that makes you feel happier

Ross Currie
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Scroll only works in the middle pane. Seems intentional. Still infuriating.

Fiddy 2.0
A weekly leaderboard of the best new side projects