Saeed Khosravi

Saeed Khosravi

Founder & CEO @ Nexunom
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Saeed Khosravi
Nexunom's AI detector, Clumsy Words, identifies AI-generated text from various LLMs, including ChatGPT and Gemini, for almost all languages. Features include analysis insights, text highlights, and more. Detect AI and mixed AI-human content at scale.
Clumsy Words AI Text Detector by Nexunom
Clumsy Words AI Text Detector by Nexunom
AI Text Detector To Detect AI Content In Any Languages
Saeed Khosravi
A free keyword finder tool that provides keyword ideas through auto-suggestions, Google/Bing Ads keywords, LSI terms, etc. It also provides lexical and entity clustering, keyword metrics, and search intent data. No sign-up is required.
100% free real-time long-tail keyword finder