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Sean Masters
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"Why didn't it work" #0: users have no clue what they want when it comes to news consumption. This is evidenced by the lie they told themselves that they wanted non-intrusive morning updates which conflicted with the reality that what they actually wanted was "NOW, NOW, NOW!"
That or you were going in the right direction but were pressured, by market realities, to move away from your plan....
Sunsetting Sip: A Post Mortem
Ryan Hoover

Sean Masters
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Relative to each card being rendered in its own iframe, what have you implemented to mitigate and/or eliminate the numerous critical security risks of iframes? It's non-trivial to secure them and it would be great to understand what's been done - particularly for the security teams of the world to give us all a quick "green light" to proceed.

An editable/hackable dashboard - unlimited & free

Sean Masters
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Video ad missed a huge opportunity by not showing every single person wearing Google Glass.

Glass Enterprise Edition 2
A faster and more helpful version of Glass

Sean Masters
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People who build software have been asking for something like Parlor for over a decade. Kudos to Keith and Co. for bringing it to life.
Pros: Solves a real, tangible, tough problem in a new and interesting way.
Cons: New to market, but I'm rooting for them.

A collaboration app