All activity

d a n n y
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Please let us disable animations on PH in general! They are too distracting and too anxiety-inducing.
Pros: None really, compared to the old version
Cons: The animations make me jittery. I won't use this extension until I can disable them.

Product Hunt Tab
A virtual co-working space in your browser's new tab

d a n n y
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Fun idea! Perfect gift.
Just as a head's-up, I'd run spell check on your site asap. There are some ("minut", "happines")
Video to flipbook converter. Free shipping.

d a n n y
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Can you elaborate on how your site is differentiated from the other websites that perform this function? It appears that the group-based tool might be unique.
Have you considered weighting the locations of your participants?
If four people live in Los Angeles and one person lives in SF, it stands to reason that the ideal location isn't halfway between LA and SF (but rather it would be closer...

Meet In The Middle
Share a link & meet your friends midway

d a n n y
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The cost-per-scooter seems like it would ruin the business model. The only reason that Lime and Bird have a shot at making a profit is because a single scooter needs to run a few hundred trips to pay for itself.
This scooter would either have to run many more trips (to cover the extra hardware cost) or it would need to be more expensive. The latter is unpalatable and the former seems unlikely...

Self-driving, dockless scooters from Singapore

d a n n y
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You hint at the web version being teased "really soon". Will that also export code for desktop?
Supernova Studio
Convert Sketch into iOS, Android and React apps in minutes

d a n n y
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LOVE IT. Excellent work. The Gmail team needs to listen-up and drop this feature in.
Could you offer a toggle switch so we can quickly see emails in their unaltered states. Sometimes it's important to see emails the same way others do?

Neat Messages for Gmail
No more long and annoying lines of text in Gmail

d a n n y
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...or you could buy it now for $29.99 at Harbor Freight (BYO Supersoaker body)

Boring Company Flame Thrower
Pre-order if you can guess the password

d a n n y
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Big problems, before I even start playing:
1) You load the user directly into a "make an account" screen, which is the definition of bad UX for an unproven app.
2) When I go to make my username (encountering a SECOND screen before I even have an idea of what the game is) the keyboard blocks the window where I see my text appearing. This is on an iPhone X.
3) Your "learn to play tutorial"...
Swoords - Clash of Words
A New Free Multiplayer Word Game

d a n n y
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(it's a direct knock-off of the Onyx by Harmon Kardon)
It's strange that the website gives zero info about how to purchase their stuff.
Affordable bluetooth speaker with built-in stand

d a n n y
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Could be cool!
But, seems like this won't get enough use if it's just at the bedside; a stronger pitch would be "Echo with a screen".
Also, seemingly every Kickstarter video has their music mixed too high...
Smart alarm clock with artificial intelligence

d a n n y
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Can anyone see how much the film is? And, is it a new proprietary blend (or an existing one, like Polaroid?)

Leica Sofort
Analogue instant camera by Leica Camera AG

d a n n y
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This looks fantastic!
I'm interested in signing up for one of your discounted packages, although, I'm getting a blank screen when I click on "Get Started Now" or "Login" (I get this on my phone as well).
I'm guessing PH is hugging your servers too hard?

Ditch your todo list for an intelligent schedule

d a n n y
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(FYI: the jazz music in your video is a bit too loud, it's hard to hear your voice).
Exciting! Really like the concept of bringing the IoT to the vast, offline world of appliances.

MicroBot Push
The wireless robotic finger that makes dumb products smart