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Selena Vidya
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This looks fantastic! Signed up and looking forward to using it. I checked the help section but couldn't find info on how a musician/artist/beatmaker can have their work submitted. Is there a different place to find that?

Free music for creators, no copyright issues

Energy in before energy out. The MAP planner works by combining introspection, creativity and purposeful planning at the time when your mind is most primed for change: the morning when just waking, and the night before going to sleep.

MAP Planner
MAP your day with inspired, intentional & meaningful action.

Selena Vidya
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This has been a game changer for me and I'm super excited to share it with everyone! 📝

MAP Planner
MAP your day with inspired, intentional & meaningful action.

Selena Vidya
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Something I wish existed for so long!
Linkbuildr for WordPress
Automated content promotion for Wordpress

Hey hunters. :) Use code PRODUCTHUNT50 for 50% off!
The Art of Digital Outreach course contains 8 modules (20+ lessons) that breaks down the fundamentals of outreach, so you can confidently build relationships. I've taken a decade worth of learning (and mistakes) so you can start doing authentic, research driven outreach.

The Art of Digital Outreach Course
Use outreach to grow your side hustle without being a jerk.

App to co-DJ, host & join music listening parties w/ friends

permissionLESS #PowerPrompt Free Course
A free email course to help you realize your inner power.

permissionLESS Podcast
A Bias for MF Action

permissionLESS feat. Joanna Lord
Startups, life seasons and bold moves.

PermissionLESS - Pamela Lund
A bias for MFing action.