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  • Tony Kim

    Tony Kim

    Product Lover @ Playmatters Studio
    122 points
    All activity
    Tony Kim
    A free blogging tool without a like button 👍🙅🏻‍♂️
    So write whatever comes to mind. ✍️🔥
    Hope Paper is more about you, not about them. ✌️❤️
    Discover the pure joy of writing
    Tony Kim
    Egloo.me is a free, easy & customizable bio page.
    You are more than a short bio!
    A customizable and versatile bio page
    Tony Kim

    Solid data is a key part of project success!

    And there are tones of good data on the internet.

    So stop guessing and fuel your project idea based on the real world's data!

    Data Cabinet
    Fuel your project idea based on the real world's data
    Tony Kim

    Nextlist is a side project finder for makers. I do a lot of side projects every year and thought it would be good to have some fun with other makers too.

    Side project finder
    Tony Kim

    The most important part of writing a diary is doing it everyday. EmoDay helps you create a fun and colorful diary. You can start by simply punching in a single emoji. And of course it's lovely. So if you are more of a design lover than a writer this app is definitely yours. Enjoy logging your day and be free from pain of type-writing.

    Your daily mood diary with emojis 💭
    Tony Kim

    SimpleMail.io is a free newsletter template editing tool that let non-technical people easily swap images, colors, text and go within a minute.

    The simplest newsletter editor for non-technical people
    Tony Kim

    Mono Day is a to-do app to make your daily life simple and efficient.

    Mono Day
    Mono Day
    Simple habit-forming to-do app