Sergei Golubev

Sergei Golubev

Designer and entrepreneur from 🇪🇪
65 points
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Sergei Golubev
Life You Deserve brings fun activities to 55+ in the UK 🇬🇧. We feel that over 55s have been a bit neglected, especially lately 😷. We want to change that. It’s time for them to have some time for themselves and enjoy plenty of activities we’ve hand-picked.
Life You Deserve
Life You Deserve
Fun activities for 55+ in the UK 🇬🇧
Sergei Golubev
There are so many UX design courses out there to choose from — it can get a little bit overwhelming. Compare UX Courses brings some of the popular User Experience and User Interface design courses under one roof.
Compare UX courses
Compare UX courses
Any education is great. Pick the one that’s right for you.
Sergei Golubev
The Design Quiz is the place for you to test your User Experience, User Interface and Graphic Design knowledge — plenty to learn from. Do you know how many principles of good design Dieter Rams has defined? Or when the first GUI prototype was created?
The Design Quiz
The Design Quiz
Test your UX, UI and graphic design knowledge
Sergei Golubev
User Interface Museum is a collection of UIs of popular desktop and mobile apps showcasing how they’ve changed over numerous years — plenty of examples of design successes and mistakes to learn from.
User Interface Museum
User Interface Museum
Explore how UI design evolved over time
Sergei Golubev
There are more examples of good web design than Apple's website. At UXmeter we showcase top website designs from finance to sports. These are ranked purely based on UX design by industry professionals & general public using universal scoring system UX Points®.
Like Tinder, but for finding the hottest web design in town
Sergei Golubev

UX Overflow is a website where you UX designers can ask and answer burning questions

UX Overflow
UX Overflow
The place where designers find answers.
Sergei Golubev
We brought accessible UX education to everyone. You don't have to quit your job and spend on pricey degrees. We'll prepare you for a career in UX over short courses & mentoring. We are professional UX Designers with 15+ years of experience.
The School of UX
The School of UX
UK's best school of User Experience design.
Sergei Golubev
Time Lens
Time Lens
See what the street you grew up on looked like back then
Sergei Golubev
Route Finder
Route Finder
Explore & share favourite hiking, cycling & skiing routes
Sergei Golubev
Let's Try Sports
Let's Try Sports
Sports activities for everyone: from football to tennis
Sergei Golubev
Let's Try Music
Let's Try Music
Music activities for everyone:from playing guitar to singing