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Data Scientist Interview Question Bank
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Prepfully Peer Interviews
Practicing interviews made easy

Shafkathullah Ihsan
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React-spring visualizer
The missing visualizer for your react-spring UI animations

Shafkathullah Ihsan
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Nice, work of art!
Inspect This Snake
A hidden game for your web inspector

Shafkathullah Ihsan
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Screen Size Map
An interactive map of screen sizes for responsive web design

Shafkathullah Ihsan
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Hey, I would suggest making the site serve via "https". Best wishes.

Indie Channels
Distribution channels and marketplaces for makers

Shafkathullah Ihsan
left a comment
Greetings, consider serving your website( through https, I let go submitting a form once I noticed it. Regards.

The Mat|r Project
Open Source, Cloud-based, Application Development Platform

Hijri for chrome allows users to quickly view current hijri date along with current time and gregorian date, in an attractive user interface.

Hijri For Chrome
Simple Hijri Date Viewer For Chrome

HackerCards customizes your chrome new tab page with new stories from Hacker News. Made for skimmers and people in a hurry.
- Modern, minimalistic user interface
- Interactive UI to skim through news titles quickly

Hacker News on your chrome newtab

Shafkathullah Ihsan
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Can I use it for commercial purposes?

Airbnb Cereal
A new typeface that takes you from button to billboard