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shaik ikbhal Basha
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but when start creating, you will realise lots of time waste, people hat text slide, lots of text
Creating Impactful slides & presentations is such an underrated skill!
Kapil Gadhire
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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try its not nocode, it is low code tool
Looking for the No-code tools
Jordi Plaza
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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meet technical meetsups, search, search reactjs , node.js, python, java, ...
How did you find your developers?
Jade T.
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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not sure, may outsource due to lack of knowlege
but better to start with small self video then start with video production compa ny/freelancer
Do you outsource or insource product marketing video production?
Brian Nutt
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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hire freelancer, if you like him, then ask him to onboard later
Hiring React Js Development Company Vs Freelance React Js Developer- Which one is better
Marco Shira
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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find successful entrepreneur
commit 10 years, ready for failures, insults from parents, relatives, friends
just focus on problem, start with problem, then solution.
talk to people are accessible to you.create list , then incrental launch even few line of landing pages, get paid customers without product, then reverse build the product.
consistant, manage health, wealth,...
Founders, what's the one advice you would give to your first-day entrepreneur self?
Emmanuel Lefort
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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atleast once in 6months,
some extension i tried , but not using actively
recently find extensino which help to reduce or increase tab audio
alarm, open tab on given time
How often do you look for great extensions and add-ons from the browser store?
Pritam Nanda
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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used to participate in the weekend, atleast some tech meetup physical
but not much now.
would be great if i can meet people with who i can share, learn
What are your favorite things to do on weekends?
Elena Cirera
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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best way, make it open source, free for all public user
Let people steal your idea
Kim Salmi
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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I am tired of remembering algorithms, revising
I’m tired of algorithms. And you?
Yaroslava Antipina 🇺🇦
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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take break
work on something you like most
delegate if possible
use productivity tools
work productivity
improve daily
prioritise, allot time resource to task
How do you manage your overwork?
Elena Cirera
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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no, I was searching earlier for long time. talking my classmates.
I think its waste to search for cofounder.
you work on theproblem you love. explain about theproblem, how to solve it.
if you any one interested, supporting for long time, you can choose him
Do you have a co-founder? How did you find them?
Sharath Kuruganty
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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how to many times you fail - thick skin test
how will handle rejection from nearest people partner, parents, friends
check is commitment, consistancy, skill matching
What's the best question to ask a future team member?
Guy Altagar
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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looking similar thing
Mentors for Young Entrepreneurs
Rhythm Batra
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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1) idea - human accountability platform, hire accountability partner online
meditation reminder, self reflection, read book
reports absent/present
1) idea - find 10 customer free based on the topic, will connect for your startup/idea
1) idea - doubt clearing in office or group - if you ask doubt, it will send all people on personal chat.., doubt ETA(estimated time of arrival)when it will...
James Andrews-Coulter
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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1) Idea 1 -low code developer hiring platform
low code ( training) training house wife, students, indian, africans ; certification later
create market place - any one can hire such low code developer
2) create django admin tool - fast, simple further - just give table text definition. it will create all tables, forms, tables
Anyone by any chance looking for a co-founder/founding marketer?
Alexandra Cote
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shaik ikbhal Basha
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so simple , all the best

World's fastest way to create cloud functions