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Jerry Shan
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This is super helpful. After I used this small fridge magnet, it indeed changed the way for me to share the wifi password to my friends and families. Last week, my brother comes to my place and ask to connect to my network. I always use a long password, in the past, when I changed the password, he will need to type that again and often make several mistakes and try several times, its a long and...

got wi-fi?
Guests can connect to Wi-Fi just by tapping their phone

Jerry Shan
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What's the difference between this and a multiplayer computer game with camera feature embedded?

A remote escape room over video conference

Jerry Shan
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What licence do we get for the music created on NodeBeat?

Playful music creation for all 🎶

Jerry Shan
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As a developer, I would suggest people to update their operating system as often as possible. So disable system update notification is a bad move. You might want to use default retry tomorrow (or tonight) feature if you are working on something and cannot restart the computer, but you don't want to stop knowing when update is available. Keep your system up to date is always a smart move. I hope...
Make OS X Great Again
Fix the things that make 🍎 OS X annoying

Jerry Shan
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Seems like you have css problem on your website. This is what I saw. Using Safari Version 11.0.3 on macOS 10.13.3

Get the most from every link you share

Jerry Shan
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Wow, looks good. Downloaded and trying it now.

Write your code the smart way. Super fast 🚀

Jerry Shan
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Can you give some examples on some interesting use cases?

Automate anything via drag & drop using Python.

Jerry Shan
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Thanks for the nice looking icons. Have bought the life update pack. Wonder where can I get update in the future? I just received a download link from the email after purchased.
Icon 54
5,000 icons for iOS, android, websites & apps 🚀

Jerry Shan
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How do you make connections to banks? I tried twice to connect my bank but failed after enter the access card and password.

A powerful money tracking app that thinks the way you do

Jerry Shan
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What's the difference between fox mini vs light phone?

Fox Mini 1
A ~$30 clever phone for your smartphone

Jerry Shan
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Love the one global shortcut to bring out the menu then having one click keyboard shortcut with hint for quick actions. Nice job done. The preset group is so helpful as well. Although I think 5.99 CND is a little bit expansive for a clipboard widget, I still paid for the pro. In the past, my clipboard is managed by Alfred. Now I will still keep Alfred clipboard running for search from the heavy...

Lightweight and efficient clipboard tool for iOS & macOS.

Jerry Shan
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I love the desk, but I am in Canada, It seems that it needs 243.44 CAD shipping fee to ship it to Canada. The total will be (338.64 + 243.44) CAD. A little bit sad.
SmartDesk mini by Autonomous
$249 Electric height adjustable standing desk w/ memory pad

Jerry Shan
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I hope they can sell the black magic keyboard and mouse separately.

iMac Pro
The most powerful iMac ever made

Jerry Shan
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I have a question. I saw that when I open the app, there are two options. One is to create the offline archive, the other one is to load from cloud service. I saw that you separate the cloud service with offline storage. My question is what is the difference if I create the offline archive and put in a dropbox folder vs. using the cloud service option?

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