Mr. Raj Rajendran- Founder & CTO of SIMBYM Raj is a national gold medalist in his Bachelor's Mechanical Engineering. Securing National First in "GATE". He did his Master's degree in Robotics and Mechanical Engineering from Kansas State University, USA. Graduated, Magna cum laude. He Pioneered Enterprise Holistic “NO-CODING” Platform with integrated Projet 360® (PPM), Servizo® (ESM), Orquester® (BPM), Vorque® EWM, Assetrix® (Asset Mgmt.), Auto Discovery, Cognitio® (Knowledge Mgmt.). The Holistic Modules are Industry agnostic and can be used by any size of organizations by Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime. Rendering disruptive Innovation, with next generation cutting edge technology for Enterprise Digital Transformation, second to none in the world.