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Climate of Hope is a very inspirational book about how ordinary citizens, businesses, and our communities are winning the battle against climate change. At a time when the headlines are full of bad news, this book made me realize that in fact, there are people making a positive difference. What's more, all of us can do something to make it better

Climate of Hope
An inspirational book by Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope

Si Chen
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Interesting app. May I ask how you came up with the pricing model for it?
Cladwell for Men
Your personal guide to style.

Si Chen
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We should all be thinking about how to use our skills to make the world better. This sounds great! Thanks.

WTF? What's the Future and Why It's Up To Us
From the WTF? economy to the Next Economy

Si Chen
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Looks nice! What bot back end are you using?

Art Chatbot
Discover, learn about, and purchase artwork

Si Chen
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Hi everybody, my first recommendation here :) This has really been a good service, and I'm surprised nobody else has picked it up. We were using a different email marketing service, but some of our email wasn't being accepted. Their tech support kept telling us it was our fault for having sent out spam, even though we never did that. I thought there was a problem with their email sending...

Amazon Simple Email Service
Amazon's cloud based email sending service

Amazon Simple Email Service
Amazon's cloud based email sending service