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Simran Dua
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Just started planning a vacation with Arrange! Keep going, team!!! Big fan.
ChatGPT for your calendar

Simran Dua
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I run a group coaching experience, and I used Arrange to get all invites on calendars for clients. My process went from individual invites (many many clicks and redundant actions) to adjusting everything in one place. It felt almost like my own calendar dashboard for my clients. Absolutely loved it!!!
Create a shareable calendar in seconds

Simran Dua
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Here’s why Arrange resonated for me. I feel like tasks lists are too linear (done or not done). But adulting tasks aren’t like school homework assignments that are done or not. They usually require multiple steps and researching things or scheduling things. With arrange all those little sub tasks happen and are checked off rather than one massive to do that just sits for months. I feel...
Plan ahead better