sizzy chen

sizzy chen

make a good product and fix the world
106 points


As a product designer, my journey has been driven by a passion for creating seamless, intuitive, and impactful user experiences. I specialize in digital products, focusing on everything from initial concept through to final execution, ensuring that each step is informed by a deep understanding of user needs and industry trends. I started as a Java developer and transitioned to a product design manager role for 8 years. I have worked in finance, virtual currency, and e-commerce industries, and now I am moving into the field of AI and autonomous programming.This is a huge challenge, as many people around the world are also diving into this emerging field. I am excited to navigate through the crest of this era.




Pixel perfection 💎
Pixel perfection 💎
Bright Idea 💡
Bright Idea 💡
Tastemaker 5
Tastemaker 5
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