All activity

shobhit kumar
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Let's make Epoch cool and widely known to the non-tech community! Use it in your instagram posts, your tweet or facebook posts to show off that extra geek in you! Feedback and feature requests are welcome.

Unix time converter & generator (free, no ads)

- Shows current unix Epoch & date/time/timezone
- Generate a random epoch
- Convert epoch to date/time
- Convert date/time to epoch value
- Copy to clipboard
This app is completely free and does not contain ads.
Made in India by SuperVoid

Unix time converter & generator (free, no ads)

The theme can be easily installed by running the file available at

NSA Splash Screen for Linux
A cool NSA-style bootsplash for Ubuntu & Linux distros

shobhit kumar
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Released a new version of the popular NoRelapse app with features highly requested by the users! Go check it out & spread the word!
- Choose custom time to start and end streak
- Set name for tracking activity
- Save motivational images
- Redesigned About page
- Support us page
- Bug fixes & performance optimizations

No Relapse
Follow your bad habits or addictions and help to beat them

shobhit kumar
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Saw that meme this morning, yeah? Or that cute puppy video, you liked it... but do you remember which subreddit it is from?
And there's so many related subreddits that you don't know of which have better content! What if there was a not-so-boring way to get to all this...
Well, here's a gamified Reddit experience, just for you!
✔ A fresh way to browse Reddit content in the form of a quiz

Guess the Subreddit - Reddit Quiz Game
Here's a fun way to browse Reddit in the form of a quiz!

✔ Fresh way to browse Reddit
✔ Test knowledge of various subreddits, earn points
✔ Multiple game modes so that you are never bored
✔ See game stats & share with friends
✔ Explore new categories & subreddits
✔ Non-intrusive ads
✔ Minimal UI, beautiful colors

Guess the Subreddit - Reddit Quiz Game
Here's a fun way to browse Reddit in the form of a quiz!

shobhit kumar
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Students often practice for various competitive exams. While there are many online courses/test available, it is quite common for them to use a book to solve multi-choice questions/old test papers.
While practicing from books/hardcopy it gets difficult to keep track of progress - how many questions were right, how many were wrong, what could be my score? Some extra effort goes into maintaining...

Offline Test Practice
Track questions & calculate marks while practicing MCQ test

While practicing from books/hardcopy it gets difficult to keep track of progress - how many questions were right, how many were wrong, what could be my score? Use this web app to do it for you!

Offline Test Practice
Track questions & calculate marks while practicing MCQ test

shobhit kumar
left a comment
Hello everyone, I am one of the developers of this app. This is my first app. Please share your thoughts, feedbacks and any features that you wish to see in the next update(s). We would be glad to incorporate them in our to-do list :)

No Relapse
Follow your bad habits or addictions and help to beat them

✔Just tap and start-simple
✔Remember your last streak-duration and time
✔Inspirational quotes, images, posts to keep you motivated-just a swipe away
✔Minimalist UI with beautiful colors
Besides the counting of days it also features a sobriety clock letting you know the exact hour when you break the habit.

No Relapse
Follow your bad habits or addictions and help to beat them