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awesome product! congratulations :) , do you scrape the info or use the instagram official api ? cause the official api seems pretty limited
Modash Influencer Search
Search every influencer. Analyze every audience. Instantly.

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@jonbittner what did you build the app in ? the views render super fast :)

Splitwise 5.0
Split expenses with friends

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I LOLed hard! awesome gifs for coworkers :)

Netflix Hangouts
Watch Netflix at work by faking a conference call

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my first thought was , if they're using one of those DMCA ridden unofficial whatsapp APIs to accomplish this, it's only good for educational purposes but not as a product but after using the product I realized it's just a URL to lol . It works on phone too, simply opens the app.
What I am not sure of is if it's worth it to open a website to type in a phone number...

Text people without adding them to your contacts

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app is super smooth! what tech did you guys use to build the app ?

If Hacker News and Medium had a child

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how is it different from screencastify ?
Record screen right from browser. No installation required.

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Pros: really helpful tool cause when I want to develop an idea I look at other webpages / apps for design inspiration
Cons: .....

>800 web app screenshots for inspiration on your next app π